About Us

Carbonomics® is a global leader in helping businesses realize the potential of carbon credits in the US and international emission trading markets.  Carbonomics identifies GHG reduction opportunities, determines how projects can generate carbon credits, and guides companies through the entire process – from project inception to annual verification.  We also help find buyers for carbon credits and investors in projects.  In short, we jump through the hoops so our clients don’t have to.

Carbon offsets are not easy – they require approved methods for quantifying the GHG reductions, extensive monitoring plans and third-party verification.  Many projects never get approved by the registries and therefore cannot find buyers. 

Women using phone

The carbon credit world has only gotten more confusing: off-registry vs. on-registry?  CCP-labels or not?  Do I get a BeZero rating or not?  What about Article 6?  And what about all the platforms out there like Patch?  The landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s hard to make sense of it all.  Carbonomics can provide the key information needed to make informed decisions about engaging in the carbon market. 

ClimateTech: Our niche has been to ensure new and emerging technologies have their day in the sun (of the Voluntary Carbon Market).  We help make sure the massive investments in companies creating climate solutions can be carried further through participation in the VCM.  And we are not only talking about carbon removals.  We have seen the power of the VCM to transform ClimateTech companies.  Carbonomics works with all of the main VCM registries and also works off-registry. 

Our key areas include include but are not limited to:

Low emission

Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)


Blue Carbon

circular economy

Plastics/Circular Economy

eco house

GHG Reductions in Cement and Concrete




Organic Waste Management


Methane Reductions in Industry and Livestock




Small-scale Energy Efficiency and Renewables